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  • 1.  Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 02, 2009 08:28 AM

    I am trying to convert a Windows 2003 Server to vSphere 4.0. I have tried using both the Cold and Hot method and each time I am only able to view the System drive to convert. I do not have an issue with a similar server, (Same model and partition configuration, OS etc)

    The Server is a HP DL380G4 with 2 x 144GB HDD setup with RAID 1. Within this one Array is 2 Logical Drives.

    C: is the System Partion (12GB)

    D: is a data and application install partition (124GB) - This is the partition that will not convert.

    When i examine the log i see a couple of errors, but have not been able to find a solution yet. Failed to get Volume's partition info: Incorrect function and Cannot get volume's active flag info are the errors but i cannot find any cross referenced information as to what would cause this. Anyone with more information or idea's on how to fix this issue?


    vConverter 4.0.1 Error Log file



    14:56:16.742 'App' 5740 info]

    VmiQuerySourceInfoTask initialized

    QueryDosDevice: ret=6779 size=16384 err=0


    .\PhysicalDrive0 has adapter type: 1

    : error Read
    .\PhysicalDrive1 disk layout: Incorrect

    function (1) for disk #1


    volume with name "


    volume with name "


    volume with name "


    volume with name "


    ?\Volume{dd86434d-464b-11da-b332-806e6f6e6963}\ corresponds to \Device\HarddiskVolume1

    device name.

    Successfully retrieved media type for


    GetDriveLetterOrMountPoint: Mount point for volume

    ?\Volume{dd86434d-464b-11da-b332-806e6f6e6963}\ is C:

    Successfully retrieved

    volume's active flag info.

    The partition number is 1


    Mapping a recognized format volume
    ?\Volume{dd86434d-464b-11da-b332-806e6f6e6963}\ with ID

    ?\Volume{7ead8bfe-84ab-4146-9553-202dc471644f}\ corresponds to \Device\HarddiskVolume3 device name.

    Successfully retrieved media type for

    GetDriveLetterOrMountPoint: Mount point for volume
    ?\Volume{7ead8bfe-84ab-4146-9553-202dc471644f}\ is D:

    error Failed to get
    .\Volume{7ead8bfe-84ab-4146-9553-202dc471644f} Volume's partition info: Incorrect function (1)

    Cannot get
    ?\Volume{7ead8bfe-84ab-4146-9553-202dc471644f}\ volume's active flag info.



    ?\Volume{7ead8bfe-84ab-4146-9553-202dc471644f}\ is assosiated with a disk

    that had been filtered out; filter out the volume as well.


    ?\Volume{dd86434b-464b-11da-b332-806e6f6e6963}\ corresponds to \Device\CdRom0

    device name.

    Successfully retrieved media type for



    the device with name


    14:56:16.804 'App' 5740 verbose]


    ?\Volume{dd86434a-464b-11da-b332-806e6f6e6963}\ corresponds to

    \Device\Floppy0 device name.

    Successfully retrieved media type for


    ?\Volume{dd86434a-464b-11da-b332-806e6f6e6963}\ volume has media of type 5

    ?\Volume{dd86434a-464b-11da-b332-806e6f6e6963}\ volume has media of type 2


    the device with name

    HostDeviceInfo: Failed to

    enumerate host parallel ports via the registry. Could not open device map

    parallel port registry key.

    Detected RAM size

    is 3757539328, in megabytes: 3583 MB , rounded: 3584 MB

    Microsoft Windows Version 5.2 Build 3790

    Connected to ROOT\CIMV2 WMI namespace

    created Net Configuration instance

  • 2.  RE: Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 02, 2009 08:40 AM

    It might be a wrong file system, nut due to the size it should actually be NTFS. Is it a dynamic drive? Converer will not work with dynamic drives.

    Kind Regards,

    Gerrit Lehr

    If you found this or other information useful, please consider awarding points for "Correct" or "Helpful".

  • 3.  RE: Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 02, 2009 10:44 AM

    The drive is NTFS and it's not dynamic.

  • 4.  RE: Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 02, 2009 11:48 AM

    if D: is data-only I would not worry about this.

    Convert C: and then use robocopy or the tool of your choice to copy the data file by file


    VMX-parameters- VMware-liveCD - VM-Sickbay

  • 5.  RE: Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 02, 2009 12:17 PM

    I agree, a copy of the second drive would be easiest. Other things to consider is running chkdsk on the D drive and looking at the Windows logs for hard drive problems.

  • 6.  RE: Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 03, 2009 01:55 AM

    Check and see if your D:\ Partiion is hardcoded in the system's registry as a CD/DVD ROM drive. You may want to change th drive Letter and the retry the entire process.

  • 7.  RE: Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 05, 2009 08:15 AM

    After more hunting around I have discovered that the registry is reporting the drive as a dynamic disk. Disk Management reports the disk as Basic and there is no need for the drive to be dynamic.

    Registry key: HKLM\System\MountedDevices\DosDevices\D: Value: 44 4D 49 .... DMIO: ID

    Does anyone have any idea on how to set the drive back to a basic disk?

    Edit: The disk is actually a GPT drive instead of an MBR drive. At some point during setup someone must have converted this drive to GPT. Not very helpful. Looks like restoring a backup of the drive to the new VM may be my only option.

  • 8.  RE: Unable to convert partion

    Posted Oct 05, 2009 08:27 AM

    Usually you cannot set a dynamic disk back to basic disk. Therefore, I would recommend using the mentioned may to transfer the data and not risk any experiments with the disk in question.

    Kind Regards,

    Gerrit Lehr

    If you found this or other information useful, please consider awarding points for "Correct" or "Helpful".