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  • 1.  Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Jun 15, 2007 10:23 AM


    Im trying to connect an esx host 2.5.x box back to my virtual center after upgrading my virtual center server and I get the error message

    "unable to access the specified host. It either does not exist, the server software is not responding, or there is a network problem"

    I have the choice to remove the server and then try to reconnect, I am reluctant to do this because I have things like VMotion configured and have two MSCS virtual servers each with a foot in each esx box.

    Just wondering if anyone has seen this problem before and what the best course of action to take is??



  • 2.  RE: Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Jun 15, 2007 11:41 AM


    I would double check the you can ping back and forth between your VC server and ESX host using the fully qualified domain name.

    I would also check if your virtual machines are running and can communicate on the network.

    If you remove the host from VC the virtual machines will continue to run. You will lose permissions placed directly on the object and you will lose where you placed the virtual machines in the VM and template views but that can all be corrected after host gets added back.

  • 3.  RE: Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Jun 15, 2007 12:00 PM

    The VC server can ping all hosts and all virtual machines are running and can communicate to the network, there was one Virtual Machine in a slightly odd state but I have got to the website of the esx host and deleted, it has now been removed OK.

    One of my datastores does say its inactive though?? not sure what that means?

  • 4.  RE: Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Jun 15, 2007 12:34 PM


    Does the inactive datastore house any virtual machines and if so what is there state? that is not normal. Do you use local disk? iSCSI? Fibre?

  • 5.  RE: Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Jun 15, 2007 03:05 PM

    It doesnt house any VM's, we are using a HP MSA500 scsi shared storage, to ESX I think it see's it as local disks.....

    Everything was working fine before I upgraded Virtual Center grrr

  • 6.  RE: Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Jun 15, 2007 03:09 PM

    Have you tried doing a rescan?

    IN VI , on the configuration tab of your ESX host, go to storage adaptors and on the top right hand side you will see rescan.

  • 7.  RE: Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Jun 18, 2007 07:56 AM

    I need to be able to add the host back in first before I can do a rescan....



  • 8.  RE: Unable to access the specified host

    Posted Oct 22, 2007 11:25 AM

    I found that I was getting that error because my root partition was out of space. I freed up some space and was able to reconnect the server.