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  • 1.  Trouble using Standard PowerCLI cmdlets

    Posted Oct 11, 2011 08:05 PM

    Hi all,

    I'm a novice with using PowerCLI.

    I have installed PowerCLI version 4.1.0-254719 and have been trying to get the Standard PowerCLI cmdlets working.

    I don't have the shortkey on my desktop and I set default to the Program Files <x86>\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI \ bin and try to run the

    Add-PSSnapin VMware.VIMAutomation.Core command and it is not recognized.

    Can someone get me going on the right path here?  My real goal is to get the certs updated with the vifs command but I wanted to test out some list type commands first.

    Appreciating any assistance with this.

  • 2.  RE: Trouble using Standard PowerCLI cmdlets

    Posted Oct 11, 2011 08:23 PM

    The PowerCLI prompt is also available under the Start button.

    If not, something must have gone wrong during the installation.

    The folder you are referring to is the folder where the CLI Tools are installed, not PowerCLI. That is in folder C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI.

    When you start plain PowerShell, you can perform the Add-PSSnapin from that prompt.

    Afaik there are no 'vifs' commands in PowerCLI. I suspect you are mixing PowerCLI and the CLI.

    Perhaps you better raise your question in the vSphere Command-Line Interface community.