I have the below function that I need to run on the remote VM through Invoke-VMScript with "remove-profile -days 0 - -computername localhost -profiles $profilename" this script removes a local profile, you can find out more about it here http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Remove-Profile-787d9188
Now I am having extreme difficultly figuring out how to drop the function with Invoke-VMScript so I can call the function. I usually do "Invoke-VMScript -VM $vmname2 -ScriptText "powershell.exe commands" and it works great, but I can't figure out how to drop a function to that powershell process to call the function. Any ideas? I do not want to do this with a ps1 file or remote share, I want this function to be available to the powershell process i start so I can call it. I have tried a bunch of different things like script blocks and invoke-command but they always break my entire script.
To make it more clear - When i start a powershell process through Invoke-VMScript, I need this function to be there so I can call it. So once the powershell.exe process is running i can just have it execute "remove-profile -days 0 - -computername localhost -profiles $profilename"
function remove-profile { [cmdletbinding(
SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
[validaterange(0,9999)][int]$days = 1,
[string[]]$exceptions = $null,
[string[]]$profiles = $null
#function to get profiles
function Get-Profile {
[string[]]$exceptions = $null,
[string[]]$profiles = $null
#function to convert array of strings into regex for paths to avoid
function build-Regex {
$( foreach($item in $items){ "^$item$" } ) -join "|"
$date = get-date
#test connection
if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $computername -BufferSize 16 -count 2 -Quiet){
#Check OS
$opSys = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $computername | select -ExpandProperty version
Throw "Error: Could not obtain OS version WMI information from $computername"
#Find XP profiles
if ($opSys –like “5*”) {
#define property that we will use to test exceptions / profile regexs against
$property = "fullname"
#get all profiles on computer using file system
$allProfiles = Get-Childitem "\\$computername\c$\documents and settings\" -force | ?{$_.PSIsContainer}
#Find Vista + profiles
if ($opSys –like “6*”) {
#define property that we will use to test exceptions / profile regexs against
$property = "localpath"
#get all profiles on computer using WMI
$allProfiles = get-wmiobject -computername $computername -class win32_userprofile | ?{ $_.localpath -like "C:\users\*" }
Throw "Error gathering profile WMI information from $computername. Be sure that WMI is functioning on this system and that it is running Windows Vista or Server 2008 or later"
#if specified, filter for profiles
#build regex using provided profiles
$profileRegex = build-Regex $profiles
#test profiles against profiles regex
$allProfiles = $allProfiles | ?{ $(split-path $_.$property -leaf) -match $profileRegex }
#if specified, filter exceptions
#build regex using provided exceptions
$exceptionsRegex = build-Regex $exceptions
#test profiles against exceptions regex
$allProfiles = $allProfiles | ?{ $(split-path $_.$property -leaf) -notmatch $exceptionsRegex }
#Return results
Throw "Could not connect to $computername"
#Get date for profile last access comparison
$date = get-date
#Add standard accounts to exclude unless explicitly instructed not to
if( -not $DontExcludeStandardAccounts ){
$exceptions += "Administrator", "LocalService", "NetworkService", "All Users", "Default User"
#loop through provided computers
foreach($computer in $computername){
#get all the profiles for this computer
$profilesToRemove = Get-Profile -computername $computer -exceptions $exceptions -profiles $profiles -ErrorAction stop
#if none returned, throw an error and move on to the next computer
if(-not $profilesToRemove){
Write-Error "Error: No profiles returned on $computer"
#Get-Profiles returns a directoryinfo object for XP, use this to determine OS.
if($profilesToRemove[0] -isnot [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]){ $opsys = 6 }
else{ $opsys = 5 }
#loop through profiles
foreach($profile in $profilesToRemove){
#Define path and last access time for profile
if($opsys -eq 6){
#Windows 7: convert localpath to remote path remote path. Currently only handling profiles on C drive
$path = $profile.localpath.replace("C:","\\$computer\C$")
$lastAccess = ([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime($profile.LastUseTime)
#Windows XP: define path
$path = $profile.fullname
$lastAccess = $profile.lastWriteTime
#Confirm we can reach $path
Try {
get-item $path -force -ErrorAction stop | out-null
#if we couldnt get the item, display an error and move on to the next profile
Write-Error "Error: Could not get-item for $path"
#If the profile is older than the days specified, remove it
if($lastAccess -lt $date.AddDays(-$days)){
#-confirm and -whatif support
if($pscmdlet.shouldprocess("$path last accessed $lastAccess")){
#build results object
$tempResult = "" | Select ComputerName, Path, lastAccess, Status
if($opsys -eq 6){
#Windows Vista+: remove the profile using WMI
#Windows XP: remove the profile using file system
Remove-Item $path -force -confirm:$false -recurse
#Add properties to results object
$tempResult.ComputerName = $computer
$tempResult.Path = $path
$tempResult.LastAccess = $lastAccess
$tempResult.Status = "No error"
#add properties to results object
$tempResult.ComputerName = $computer
$tempResult.Path = $path
$tempResult.LastAccess = $lastAccess
$tempResult.Status = "Error removing profile"
#WMI delete method or file removal failed. Write an error, move on to the next profile
Write-Error "Error: Could not delete $path last accessed $lastAccess"
#display result