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  • 1.  To device in the list to create datastore

    Posted Apr 01, 2021 02:31 PM


    As you can see below there are two storage devices on the  node. The 475GB device a RAID-1 consists of two SSD devices and the other 2.7TB is RAID-5 consists of 6 disks. Since the RAID configurations are implemented via the RAID controller, ESXI only sees two devices which is fine.




    In the Datastore page, I see just one datastore which is the 475GB device, but I don't know why it says non-SSD device. Maybe the SSDs are old and have not been detected by ESXI (?!).

    More importantly, when I click on new datastore and want to create a new one, there is no device to select. Why that happens? What should I do to see the 2.7TB device?





  • 2.  RE: To device in the list to create datastore
    Best Answer

    Posted Apr 01, 2021 03:02 PM

    The "non-SSD" part may be caused by the RAID controller not presenting the RAID set as an SSD device.

    For the RAID5 device, check the current partition layout. Maybe it has som kind of defalt partition, or simply some "dirty" bytes on a location where ESXi doesn't expect it. The UI offers an option to delete partitions, or even the whole partition table for a device.
