Is there a way of incorporating the line below into a loop, so the script looks up all vsan IP's - Filters on vmk2 (for us) on the defaulttcpipstack and reports back all ping tests from each host
$esxcli.vsan.cluster.unicastagent.list.invoke() | select 'IPAddress'
So the output would be from a 4 node cluster, each host would ping the other three nodes based on the unicast address and formatted in a table so we could highlight if one host was having an issue.
The original idea came from a VMware engineer who ran the below script locally via SSH on all hosts in a cluster to identify intermittent packet drops that vsan and vrops didn't pick up on.
for i in `localcli vsan cluster unicastagent list | grep true | awk '{ print $4}'`; do echo "pinging $i 3 times"; echo; vmkping -I vmk2 $i -s 8972 -d -c 500 -i .005 ; echo; echo "**************************"; done | grep -C 1 packet
many thanks