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  • 1.  TEST DL785 32 Core + 128 Go RAM

    Posted May 07, 2009 08:32 AM


    We would like create VMMark environement for test Big Machine with 32 core and 128 go ram.

    In VMmark environment there is 7 VM I see on Vmwark Result for this type of server 19 or 20 Title.

    Eache titles containts the 7 vm.

    If i calculate correctly i must install 140 VM and I need 1600 Go of space to make test.

    Could you comfirm this... i need many time for install this environement....



  • 2.  RE: TEST DL785 32 Core + 128 Go RAM
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 07, 2009 11:33 AM

    There are 6 VMs per tile. So 20 tiles = 6 * 20 = 120 VMs

    A tile uses ~80GB of disk so your estimate of 1600 GB is correct.

  • 3.  RE: TEST DL785 32 Core + 128 Go RAM

    Posted May 07, 2009 12:31 PM

    Thanks, big works in fact...

    Someone have already make one big infrastructure ?

    Have you some advises for make this?

    All Tiles Must be comunicate ?

    I can install One environement and clone after ...

    Thanks for you help


  • 4.  RE: TEST DL785 32 Core + 128 Go RAM

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 07, 2009 02:51 PM

    I would recommend that you download the VMmark kit and in it you will find the VMmark Benchmarking Guide, it explains how to configure the clients, server, and the VMs and the communication requirements. You can also download the VMmark appliances for the 3 Linux VMs used. The Windows VMs we can not provide, so you'll need to build those according to the directions in the Benchmarking Guide. You can use cloning for most of the VMs, except the mailserver VM which has special build requirements described in the guide.

    As for the System and Storage configuration, I would recommend downloading the VMmark Full Disclosure Reports (FDR) for some that are similar to what you plan on testing. There should be enough info in the FDR to allow someone to reproduce a result within a few percent. Of course to get the same results will also require the same basic hardware. You however may have limitations on what hardware you have available, so you may not be able to get your system to the same level if for example - you don't have the same amount of RAM or your storage is older and not as fast or has less bandwidth than that used in the published VMmark results.

    A twenty tile test is a lot of work to stage to get a fully compliant VMmark result, especially if you've never setup the benchmark for 1 or 2 tiles before.