A small confession; the blog is mine :smileyhappy: I only ask since feedback is always a good thing. You may think you sound brilliant and communicate well but people could end up looking confused.
There is no simple answer to your question as it is heading into the realm of performance analysis and many factors come into play.
Examples in no particular order:
Equipment: my company is large and can afford high end servers.
Network: my company can afford 10G and High Speed WANS.
Type of work: What works in my build farms will not work for email servers or database servers.
Tuning always requires testing and it requires future testing as networks and workloads change.
Depending on what your server is doing; I would run a performance measurement for a few days. A week is usually good if it’s a busy server. Disable the feature and then measure again.
Chimney offset to me was lost because it’s designed for an OS to work directly with the NIC. A guest is working with the VM host via the Vswitch. If you have a simple setup and you server has decent power, you might see in increase.