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  • 1.  TAR, VMTAR and GZIP

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 04:26 PM

    I've come across this topic and just want to be certain that I have all the info correct:

    1) You need to tar the files/dirs first, which will create a .tar file, i.e.: start w/foo, end up with foo.tar

    2) Then, using vmtar, you "specially" reformat the "generic" tar file and you end up with a .vmtar file, i.e: start w/foo.tar, end up w/foo.vmtar

    3) Finally, you gzip the .vmtar file, i.e.: start with the foo.vmtar file, end up w/foo.vgz



  • 2.  RE: TAR, VMTAR and GZIP

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 04:54 PM

    Just out of pure curiosity: I see MANY questions, some with as many as 2000+ "views" that seem to me to be relatively easy Qs to answer, yet there are none given.

    DO VIEWERS "CHERRY PICK" what Qs they provide answers to in order to drive up their own scores? Like I said, just curious... and this is bound to be a question that many consider asking, yet very few, if any, would ever openly ask...


  • 3.  RE: TAR, VMTAR and GZIP

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 05:20 PM

    The other people on the board answer what they can and feel comfortable with.

    Many of the questions you refer to aren't as easy to answer as you may think, or they haven't seen it yet.

  • 4.  RE: TAR, VMTAR and GZIP
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 05:20 PM

    Yes, this method works.

  • 5.  RE: TAR, VMTAR and GZIP

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 05:25 PM

    Thx, Matt. Just wanted to be certain that I understood the process. Several articles I found seemed to be incomplete/vague or they (in some parts) appeared to contradict each other.