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  • 1.  StorageMotion Status

    Posted Mar 24, 2010 02:09 PM

    Anyone know what causes the status progress bar in the vcenter client to not always show accurate information when smotioning a vm to a different datastore? I can move a 10gb vm and the status hits 18-20% and will remain there for the entire transfer. Yet I can move another vm of the same size from the same source datastore to the same destination datastore and the status progress will go from 18 to 100% successfully. It doesnt seem to matter the size of the vm, the OS, the source or the destination datastore. Which is why Im wondering if anyone has any ideas on what causes this?

  • 2.  RE: StorageMotion Status

    Posted Mar 24, 2010 02:18 PM

    vCenter running in a VM?

    Also what does the log show AFTER the sVmotion is complete, does it still show 18-20% or does it show completed with start and end time?

  • 3.  RE: StorageMotion Status

    Posted Mar 24, 2010 02:23 PM

    Nope. Physical server dedicated to just vcenter. For instance I have smotioned nine vm's so far this morning. four showed current status from start to finish, the others status hung yet the transfer continues to run. in this latest case the status has stopped at 27% yet the transfer is infact still running.