It's possible to start automatically all the VMs defined in a ESX4i Server when the server is powered on?
Thanks for your answer,
Yes. it is possible. you can do the same by enabling "Allow Virtual machines to start/stop when the system is powered on/off" checkbox inside Configuration --> Virtual Machine Startup/Shutdown .
You can see this option from VI/VC
Thank you for your help.
Sorry, I have another question:
When I start the vSphere Client to administer the VMs it says:
your evaluation license will expire within 60 days!....
It's not supposed that ESXi4 its free?
Thank you,
ESXi 4.0 is not free. you will get it for 60 days for free trial. But for using it more than 60 days you need to have a valid license. you can check with your vendor who provided the hardware and OS.
I think I'm a bit confused.
So, what is for the license number the got to me?
My Hardware vendor is DELL and I don't have any OS installed, it's the VMWARE ESX4 hypervisor the only software installed.
if thats the case just check "View support information" in DCUI ( Direct User interface - the yellow screen ) , there u can see a field called License Serial number and which will be having either Evaluation or the serial key.
if its a serial key, it will be valid. Also are you using Virtual center / vi client which is purchased?
ESXi 4.0 IS free. You do have to register for a valid lecense. Also, the VIC is free. vCentre is not.