Hello Evan55 ! Good day.
I would like to suggest you to perform few basic health checks prior to proceeding with the plan:
1. Consolidate the snapshots on VMs which are still running.
2. Make sure the current member count on the cluster is 6. Command to check "esxcli vsan cluster get". Member count should be 6
3. Make sure all the drives on all the hosts are currently mounted/healthy in cmmds. Command to check "esxcli vsan storage list | grep -i cmmds"
TRUE indicates all drives are mounted.
4. Make sure there are no pending resync in the cluster.
5. Confirm if all the VMs VM COmpliance state is complaint to its storage policy applied.
Action plan with few additions:
- Put host 1 in maintenance mode > evacuate all data
- Remove host from the vSAN cluster by running the below command: [ Hope you meant the same, would like to explicelty meantion here ]
esxcli vsan cluster leave
- Repeat for Host 2 and 3
- Create "vSANCluster2" (name is for example only)
- Create new DvS switch for vSAN and one for VMs/Management
- Remove hosts 1,2,3 from original DvS and add to new DvS
- Add hosts 1,2,3 to vSANCluster2
- Enable vSAN on vSANCluster2
- Confirm all is good with no errors
- Storage vMotion VM's from vSANCluster 1 to vSANCluster 2
I am lucky i have 6 hosts so I can run two 3-node clusters temporarily.
The above steps should be perfect provided you have all VMs/objects/VMDKs on RAID 1 + space consumption for any largest Raid ! object/VMDK should be able to fit its mirrors on each hosts.
Some things that concern me:
1. Will the new vSANCluster2 accept the hosts without problems? I am worried that it will see existing vSAN partitions or similar and reject the host? Should I "format" the drives first and if so, how?
There should NOT be any problem as long as we have left/removed the hosts successfully from the original vSAN Cluster by running the command
esxcli vsan cluster leave" as mentioned above after placing the host 1 in to maintenance mode with "Full evac" or Destroying the disk-groups on host 01 with "Full data evac".
2. Do you envision any problems from a HBA level running two vSAN clusters at same time? I am running Dell HBA330
You should not face any issue with this HBA. HBA330 is a supported IO Controller for vSAN.
Just make sure you the drives presented to this controller are in pass-through/ as per the vSAN HCL.
3. vCenter is running in Enhanced Linked Mode with another vCenter running at another site also with a 4 node vSAN cluster, if that makes any difference.
Ans: This should be good.
In theory this should work, right...?
Yes, as long as all the objects are in RAID 1.
EDIT: Just to clarify - the plan is to move all hosts into the new vSANCluster2 eventually, not to run two separate clusters. I just need to do it in phases to get to the goal of one new 6-node cluster.
You plan is drafted very well. It made me easy to understand without asking you more questions.