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  • 1.  Speed up Setting custom attributes with Start-Job

    Posted Jan 21, 2020 04:28 PM

    Is there are way to create start-jobs for setting custom attributes. I just started reading about and looking to speed a script. I have about 20k servers that I need to set the attributes for. Here my regular script.

    Connect-VIServer $vCenters

    $pathDev = "C:\Powershell\vCenter\Tags\VMs"

    Set-Location $pathDev

    $CSV = Import-Csv .\VMsAttributes.csv

    foreach ($line in $CSV)


    Set-Annotation -CustomAttribute "Project" -Entity $line.Name -Value $line."Project"

    Set-Annotation -CustomAttribute "Applications Owners" -Entity $line.Name -Value $line."Applications Owners"

    Set-Annotation -CustomAttribute "Responsible Organization" -Entity $line.Name -Value $line."Responsible Organization"

    Set-Annotation -CustomAttribute "Systen Administrators DL" -Entity $line.Name -Value $line."Systen Administrators DL"


    Disconnect-VIServer $vCenters -Confirm:$False

  • 2.  RE: Speed up Setting custom attributes with Start-Job

    Posted Jan 21, 2020 05:01 PM

    You can use background jobs to split the work.
    See my Running a background job dive for some of the peculiarities of using PowerCLI in such a background job.

    You will have to split the workload. You can pass a subset of the VMs to each background job.

    You could do that by cluster, or by a range of VM based on their name...

    Your choice.

    Be also aware that there is a limit to the number of background jobs you can start in parallel on a station.

    This depends on the amount of available memory, CPU resources ....

    Also be aware that there will be a load on your vCenter when you launch multiple background jobs in parallel.

    Determining the ideal number of background jobs is partially trial-and-error and partially common sense