I've not done an upgrade from 3.33 to 3.46, I believe it will be destructive but you'll want to confirm with VMware support before doing so. You may need to evacuate your VMs to another datastore before you upgrade VMFS volume.
Though before you do so, I just realized if login to your vCenter server and click on one of the host over to the Storage tab, you should have a tab that says "Storage I/O Control" and it should say either enabled, disabled or not supported. That might give you a little more information on which host does not support the feature. I'm not 100% sure on VMFS version affecting it, but it would make sense since that is a new feature of 4.1 and with 4.1, there was a minor VMFS version change.
William Lam
VMware vExpert 2009,2010
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