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  • 1.  SNMP Plugin development

    Posted Dec 16, 2008 05:16 PM
    Hy all community members,
    I started new SNMP plug-in for Acme Packed SBC.
    This device exposes both standard mibs (IF-Mib, IP-MIB) and custom mibs.
    I'd like to develop my plug-in as an extension of network device plug-in in order to collect ip metrics by some including tag like &netdevice-platform and discover interfaces as hyperic services by '&netdevice-services'.
    I guess that some way I should include /etc/netdevice-platform.xml and /etc/netdevice-platform.xml /etc/netdevice-services.xml files as it was done with Cisco based plug-in, but import doesn't work .
    Some tips?
    Paolo Bacco