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  • 1.  Slow File Transfer Performance

    Posted Nov 14, 2011 01:44 PM

    We're about ready to migrate some of our physical servers to VMs but we're seeing performance issues when trying to copy files, folders, etc. when going from physical to virtual and virtual to virtual. I copied a 1.5 GB folder from physical to virtual and it took just under 14 minutes and was copying about 1.9 MB/sec. Copying that same file from the VM to a physical server took about 4 minutes and was copying about 6.5 MB/sec. Why such a gap between the two? The hosts are connected to our network switch, which is 100 MB.

  • 2.  RE: Slow File Transfer Performance

    Posted Nov 14, 2011 04:57 PM

    If the VMs are on the same host, does it even hit the network when copying files between those VMs? All 3 of the servers are on the same host and they're the only 3 VMs on it. I thought if they were on the same host, it wouldn't even touch then network when copying files. I could be wrong though.

  • 3.  RE: Slow File Transfer Performance

    Posted Nov 14, 2011 05:23 PM


    If you are doing P2V  then  before doing please check the network adaptor speed in the physical server as well from switch end.Both end should be 1GB/ sec data transfer.In the physical adapot change the network speed from 100 MB to either Auto or 1 GB/sec.While changing first change from switch end then in physical server through rILO.



  • 4.  RE: Slow File Transfer Performance

    Posted Nov 14, 2011 05:26 PM

    The ports on the physical servers are GB ports but the switch is 100mb. Would adding a GB switch for the hosts and SAN help performance.

    The network adapter is set at autonegotiate. GB isn't an option.


  • 5.  RE: Slow File Transfer Performance

    Posted Nov 14, 2011 05:40 PM

    Yes,  It will help performance option.i have done several server between two different site(Location).

    Morever  i just saw this article  from a.p. hope it too help you.



  • 6.  RE: Slow File Transfer Performance

    Posted Nov 16, 2011 07:13 PM

    We put in the 1GB switch but it hasn't seemed to help. I didn't explain it before but when trying to copy from physical to virtual or virtual to virtual, it will start off ok, then pause for a little bit, then copy a little more, then pause. All the while, it's showing a good transfer speed, the proble is that is just keeps pausing and starting, pausing and starting. Is there something that's causing it to keep pausing?

  • 7.  RE: Slow File Transfer Performance

    Posted Nov 17, 2011 04:53 PM

    One thing I thought of. We don't have a VLAN configured for our virtual environment. Could not sepearting the traffic from the regular LAN traffic cause performance issues?