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  • 1.  Should NSX-T segment ID, relative_path created with GUID?

    Posted Apr 30, 2021 11:14 AM


    When segment is creating on NSX-T Manager Web. Automatically ID and relative_path are created with GUID.


    (Get-NsxtPolicyService -Name com.vmware.nsx_policy.infra.segments).list().results | Select-Object display_name, id, path, relative_path
    display_name                           id                                     path                                                   relative_path
    ------------                           --                                     ----                                                   -------------
    Powershell_Seg01                       7e091b41-4a6c-415a-99df-73d05b4895f4   /infra/segments/7e091b41-4a6c-415a-99df-73d05b4895f4   7e091b41-4a6c-415a-99df-73d05b4895f4
    Powershell_Seg01                       039f80c2-ccaf-405b-9001-296157776b26   /infra/segments/039f80c2-ccaf-405b-9001-296157776b26   039f80c2-ccaf-405b-9001-296157776b26
    Powershell_Seg01                       ca059dc0-8dd2-42de-bb12-4c613bc75400   /infra/segments/ca059dc0-8dd2-42de-bb12-4c613bc75400   ca059dc0-8dd2-42de-bb12-4c613bc75400
    Powershell_Seg01                       ca059dc0-8dd2-42de-bb12-4c613bc75401   /infra/segments/ca059dc0-8dd2-42de-bb12-4c613bc75401   ca059dc0-8dd2-42de-bb12-4c613bc75401
    Seg1                                   Seg1                                   /infra/segments/Seg1                                   Seg1
    Seg2                                   Seg2                                   /infra/segments/Seg2                                   Seg2
    Seg3                                   Seg3                                   /infra/segments/Seg3                                   Seg3
    Seg4                                   Seg4                                   /infra/segments/Seg4                                   Seg4
    Seg5                                   Seg5                                   /infra/segments/Seg5                                   Seg5
    seg123                                 seg123                                 /infra/segments/seg123                                 seg123



    Manually segment ID must be input to use Powershell.

    #Variables for NSX Manager Connection
    $nsxmanagerip = "IP_OR_DNS_NAME"
    $nsxuser = "USERNAME"
    $nsxpasswd = "PASSWORD"
    #General Variables
    $description = "Created with VMware PowerCLI"
    $tag = "powercli"
    #Variables for Segment
    $segmentid = "SEGMENTNAME"
    $transportzone = "/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/transport-zones/TRANSPORTZONEID"
    $path_to_t1_rtr = "/infra/tier-1s/T1ROUTERNAME"
    $defaultgateway = "IP-ADDRESS/MASK"
    #Connect to NSX Manager
    Connect-NsxtServer -Server $nsxmanagerip -User $nsxuser -Password $nsxpasswd
    #Retrieve Segment Information
    $segmentdata = Get-NsxtPolicyService -Name com.vmware.nsx_policy.infra.segments
    #Set Variables
    $segmentdata = Get-NsxtPolicyService -Name com.vmware.nsx_policy.infra.segments
    $segmentspecification = $segmentdata.Help.patch.segment.Create()
    $segmentspecification.description = $description
    $ = $segmentid
    $segmentspecification.transport_zone_path = $transportzone
    $segmentspecification.connectivity_path = $path_to_t1_rtr
    #Set Default Gateway Variables
    $subnetSpec = $
    $subnetSpec.gateway_address = $defaultgateway
    $segmentspecification.subnets.Add($subnetSpec) | Out-Null
    #Add Tag to the Segment
    $segmenttag = $
    $segmenttag.tag = $tag
    $segmentspecification.tags.Add($segmenttag) | Out-Null
    #Create Segment
    $segmentdata.patch($segmentid, $segmentspecification)


    How do you think about the ID and relative_path are created by "[guid]::NewGuid()"?

    Should NSX-T segment ID, relative_path created with GUID?


    $segmentid = [guid]::NewGuid()
    $display_name = "Seg01"


  • 2.  RE: Should NSX-T segment ID, relative_path created with GUID?

    Posted Apr 30, 2021 12:03 PM

    Afaik, you don't provide the path, the system does that for you.
    And the ID property is just the name (a string), no need for a GUID afaik.