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  • 1.  Scripting for a novice - running DPM scripts on a schedule

    Posted Jun 10, 2012 04:53 AM

    I am woking on a new installation with ESXi 5.1 and VCenter 5 running on the virtula appliance.  I would like to use DPM but bring the cluster to full operation pior to the start of the work day.  I found the reference to the scripts which I have downloaded.

    What I am unable to figure out is how to run them at a sceduled time.  Most of my research seems to point to installing and configuring vMA in order to have the ability to import these scripts and set them up on a cron job.

    This seems like a bit of work just to run 2 scripts.  My question is "is there any other way to run scripts against the vCenter appliance without getting vMA working?  If so how?"

    Any assistance would be appriciated.

  • 2.  RE: Scripting for a novice - running DPM scripts on a schedule
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 11, 2012 09:34 PM

    If you want to disable DPM beFore your working day starts you are able to configure scheduled tasks within vcenter natively to achieve this without the need of additional scripts.

    The task you will need to setup is "Change cluster power settings"

  • 3.  RE: Scripting for a novice - running DPM scripts on a schedule

    Posted Jun 12, 2012 12:10 AM


    That was what I needed.

  • 4.  RE: Scripting for a novice - running DPM scripts on a schedule

    Posted Sep 12, 2012 01:21 PM

    Can you explain in more detail how this is done? IS this done on the Vmware client or locally on the Vcenter Windows server with task scheduler? You would be very generous if you clould give me the steps in order to set this up.

    Thank You

  • 5.  RE: Scripting for a novice - running DPM scripts on a schedule

    Posted Sep 15, 2012 12:21 AM

    I used the task sceduler in Vcenter to set up a task to disablle DPM in the morning prior to the start of the workday  and another to enable DPM at the end of the day.