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  • 1.  Route based on IP hash for Windows Server

    Posted Jul 13, 2018 03:39 PM


    I have some questions about a configuration on my ESX cluster.

    So, here my configuration :

    3 HP servers with VMware ESXi, 6.7.0, 8169922

    A vcsa on 6.7 version

    On each ESX, we have 2 network cards with 4 nics. The configuration is :

    2 actives nic (1 per network card) for the management network ; load balancing with "Route based on the originating virtual port"

    2 actives nic (1 per network card) for vMotion ; load balancing with "Route based on the originating virtual port"

    2 actives nic (1 per network card) for virtual machines traffic ; load balancing with "Route based on IP hash" and configuration of etherchannel on Cisco side.

    The last two nics are free, maybe we use them later for vSphere replication.

    All the nics are connected to a Cisco switch.

    My question is :

    why I have an important loss packets on a VM Windows 2016 or Windows 2008 when I use "Route based on IP hash" ?

    we have seen loss packets with tools like mtr command line or smokeping software ; we are loosing packets during a test copy of 26go folder.

    Nothing with a linux VM (redhat).

    when I change the load balancing mode for the virtual machine traffic to the option "Route based on the originating virtual port", we don't see loss packet, everything is fine on Windows 2008 or Windows 2016.

    Do I have to change some options in the VMXnet driver ?

    What's the problem with Windows ? It's not compatible with "Route based on IP hash" ?

    Thank you for your replies.

  • 2.  RE: Route based on IP hash for Windows Server

    Posted Dec 26, 2018 05:15 PM

    The network configuration on the host is transparent to the VM. However, if it's not configured in a supported way it may certainly cause issues.

    Please take a look at e.g.​ for what's supported.

    Especially "Supported Cisco configuration: EtherChannel Mode ON – ( Enable EtherChannel only)" is important.


  • 3.  RE: Route based on IP hash for Windows Server

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Dec 28, 2018 07:54 AM

    How are the switch ports set up? Can you post the config?