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round-robin path switching trigger type

  • 1.  round-robin path switching trigger type

    Posted Sep 07, 2011 04:32 PM

    Hi, whilst browsing the new esxcli documentation i found this info:

    storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set 

    --type | -t
    Set the type of the Round Robin path switching that should be enabled for this device. Valid values for type are: bytes: Set the trigger for path switching based on the number of bytes sent down a path. default: Set the trigger for path switching back to default values. iops: Set the trigger for path switching based on the number of I/O operations on a path.

    The option to set the trigger for path switching based on the number of bytes sent down a path, is this new and is there any more information on this? When would i want to use this instead of setting using the older IOPs switching?
