Is there a proper way to restart the VC database server? The reason I ask is because our DBA restarted our VC server and it cause the VMware VirtualCenter Server service to "terminate unexpectedly" (eventid 7034).
At first I figured...easy enough, I'll just restart the service. It started as normal, with no errors, but then I started noticing some wierd VMotion errors. I couldn't VMotion VM's that were turned off or turned on. I was getting "The operation is not allowed in the current state". I then started poking around the forums and someone said to restart the "mgmt-vmware" service on the host. That gave me the ability to VMotion VM's that were turned off but not on.
I had to power off the VM and then was able to VMotion it but was not able to VMotion it back (while on) to the original host until I rebooted the host....the mgmt-vmware service restart wasn't enough.
Thank god this was a test environment. I couldn't imagine having to have to power down 10 - 15 VM's to reboot the host just to get VMotion working again.
So...Long story, short.....Is there a proper way to restart the VC database server to avoid this type of problems?