Can someone please help me to how to find the restart information (Windows servers) such as: Date and time and who performed the task
I can get this last reboot information. But here I am looking the reboot information for past 6 months
is it possible via a script ?
You have 2 options, you can look from the outside (with Get-VIEvent) and from inside the OS (Get-EventLog).
With Get-VIEvent cmdlet you would be looking for all VMGuestRebootEvent
Note that your vCenter needs to be configured to keep events that long.
Get-VIEvent -Start $start -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) |
where{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VMguestRebootEvent]} |
Select CreatedTime,@{N='VM';E={$_.VM.Name}},UserName
Hello LucD,
Thank you for your response!
Here I am looking for a powershell script that I can run inside the OS.
Do you know what would be that?
Have a look at Windows Server restart / shutdown history - Server Fault
Hello LucD
I already ran that coI ran that command and they are just showing the last restart information.
Get-EventLog -LogName System |? {$_.EventID -in (6005,6006,6008,6009,1074,1076)} | ft TimeGenerated,EventId,Message -AutoSize –wrap
This seems to work for me
ForEach-Object -Process {
$type = Select-String -InputObject $_.Message -Pattern "Shutdown Type: ([\w ]+)" | foreach{$_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value}
if($type -eq 'restart'){
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Station = $_.MachineName
Date = $_.TimeGenerated
User = $_.UserName
Your script is working fine. Thank you for that. But the date is not showing completely. Can you please correct that too ?
That's due to the screen formatting.Try feeding it to Format-Table, like this (the last line)
or just show it in a grid on screen
Thank you very much. That works.
Last question:
Is it possible to run this script against a different server (Eg Server name: 'Test1') from my local system ?
Use ComputerName on the Get-EventLog cmdlet.
} | Out-GridView