VMware vSphere

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  • 1.  Rename virtual machine

    Posted May 26, 2021 01:03 PM

    Hello friends,

    I need to rename a folder for a virtual machine, because we changed its name.

    I know that one of the alternatives is to move them to another datastore, however as it is a vSAN I only have one datastore and the host's local disks do not have enough space.

    I could use conveter, but it takes some work and time. I could clone the VM, but is there a problem with the VM's UUID? Or any problem with the operating system?

    When I clone is there anything I need to be concerned about?

    This VM cannot have the operating system name changed.


  • 2.  RE: Rename virtual machine

    Posted May 26, 2021 01:07 PM

    cloning would create a new identifier for the VM indeed, which could trigger the OS to see some difference. UUID, MAC Address etc. Not sure it is a big concern, but it is something to be aware off. I have raised the above issue with engineering and product management already. hopefully they can fix it at some point.