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  • 1.  remove cluster from data center

    Posted Jul 15, 2019 03:32 PM

    Hello, Expert,

    we built a cluster and add two  host into the cluster.

    unfortunately, we have no required hearbeat datastores for host

    The number of heartbeat datastores for host is 1, which is less than required: 2"

    so I like to remove the two hosts to original path. (move back to data center,). how can do this? The procedure is correct?

    01. disable all feature of cluster.

    02. move host out of the cluster

    I see system give information cluster setup remembered, I wonder if i delete the cluster, all setup on VM/host will be removed?

    infrastructure as attached screenshot .


    Liu Wei

  • 2.  RE: remove cluster from data center
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 15, 2019 03:52 PM


    HA will work with one datastore, but ideally the recommended by VMware is two to provides additional resilience.

    You can resolve this error by adding one more shared datastore or you can suppress this error

    VMware Knowledge Base

    vSphere - 'The Number of HA Heartbeat Datastores for this host is 0' | PeteNetLive


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