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Recursive New-Folder

  • 1.  Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Mar 16, 2010 10:36 PM

    I am moving from one virtual center to another. I have created a script that will recreate the datacenters and clusters.

    I am having problems figuring out how to recreate the folders. These folders can be buried as far as 4 deep in hierarchy so even though I can do a get-folder and find the folders I am not sure how to put them back the way I they are laided out in the original VC

    $1 = Get-Folder | where-object { $ -notlike "Discovered virtual machine"} |`

    where-object { $ -notlike "vm"} | where-object { $ -notlike "Datacenters"}|`

    where-object { $ -notlike "host"}

    $1 | export-Clixml test.xml

    The code above of course does not have (I don't think) the information to put the folders back in hierachy when I do -

    $newfolder = Import-Clixml .\test.xml

    $newfolder | foreach-Object{

    Get-Folder -Name VM -Location $_.DataCenter | New-Folder -Name $_.Folder


    Quick Note: Some of our folders are 4 levels deep

    Any assistance appreciated.


    I also have to copy the resourcepool info so figuring out this step would help.

    Trying this:

    $new= New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    $c = $null

    $a = Get-Folder testvm

    $count = 0

    while(! ($ -eq "vm")){

    $Info = "" |Select Bottom, Up, count

    #$new = Get-Folder $

    $Info.bottom = $a

    $b = $a.parentid

    $c = get-folder -id $b

    $Info.up = $

    $a = $c

    $info.count = $count++



    I have this peice working but I still have to start the build from the vm level down

  • 2.  RE: Recursive New-Folder
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Mar 17, 2010 02:28 PM

    I created the following 2 function for this. Give it a try.

    Just replace the $src and $dst parameters with the parameter that holds the connection to your vCenter server like this:

    $src = Connect-VIServer "your vCenter server" -NotDefault

    I've also attached a little text file with the functions.


    #Export folder structure (no datacenter folders!)
    function Export-Folders {
    	filter Get-FolderStructure {
    		$folder = "" | select Name,Children
    		$folder.Name = $
    		$folder.Children = @($_ | Get-Folder -NoRecursion | Get-FolderStructure )
    	Get-Datacenter -Server $src | %{$FolderStructure[http://$|http://$] = $_ | Get-Folder -NoRecursion | Get-FolderStructure}
    	$FolderStructure | Export-Clixml "Folders.xml"


    #Import folder structure (no datacenter folders!)
    function Import-Folders {
    	$FolderStructure = Import-Clixml "Folders.xml"
    	filter New-FolderStructure {
    		if (-not($folder = Get-Folder $ -Location $parent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) {$folder = New-Folder $ -Location $parent}
    		$_.children | New-FolderStructure($folder)
    	$FolderStructure.GetEnumerator() | %{$dc = get-datacenter $ -server $dst; $_.value | New-FolderStructure($dc)}


    Arnim van Lieshout



    If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".

  • 3.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Mar 18, 2010 12:27 AM

    This script worked perfectly, I have to admit I don’t yet understand all of how it does what it does but I’m working on it. I created all my folders the way I wanted, I am running a test on how I can make sure the right VM’s get placed in those folders

    Thank you for your help

  • 4.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Mar 18, 2010 04:45 AM

    #Export folder structure (no datacenter folders!)

    function Export-Folders {

    filter Get-FolderStructure {

    #$src = Connect-VIServer vcusa -NotDefault

    $folder = "" | select Name,Children,Vm

    $folder.Name = $

    $folder.Children = @($_ | Get-Folder -NoRecursion | Get-FolderStructure )

    $vmname = @(Get-VM -Location $_ -NoRecursion)

    $folder.Vm = $




    Get-Datacenter -Server $src | %{$FolderStructure[http://$|http://$] = $_ | Get-Folder -NoRecursion | Get-FolderStructure}

    $FolderStructure | Export-Clixml "Folders.xml"


    I added the get-vm line to get the vm's under that folder so I could move it back into the folder

    But I am not sure how to iterate throught the file to do the move-vm cmdlet? - Tips?

  • 5.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Mar 18, 2010 07:46 AM

    Exporting VMs and their locations:

    #Export vm locations
    function Export-VmLocations {
    	filter Get-Path {
    		$folder = Get-View -Server $src $_.parent
    		if ($folder.gettype().name -eq "Datacenter") {
    		} else {
    			$path = "" | select Name,Child
    			$ = $
    			$path.child = $child
    			$folder | Get-Path($path)
    	$VmLocations = @()
    	foreach ($vm in Get-VM -Server $src) {
    		$VmObj = "" | Select Name,Datacenter,Path
    		$VmObj.Name = $
    		$VmObj.Datacenter = $($vm | Get-Datacenter).name
    		$VmObj.Path = $vm | Get-View | Get-Path
    		$VmLocations += $VmObj
    	$VmLocations | Export-Clixml "VmLocations.xml"


    Import Vm's again:

    #Import vm locations (Move vm's to original location)
    function Import-VmLocations {
    	filter Get-VmLocation {
    		if ($_.child) {
    			$_.child | Get-VmLocation(Get-Folder -Server $dst -Location $parent $_.Name)
    		} else {
    			Get-Folder -Server $dst -Location $parent $_.Name
    	foreach ($vm in (Import-Clixml "VmLocations.xml")) {
    		$dc = Get-Datacenter -Server $dst $vm.datacenter
    		Move-VM ($dc | Get-VM $vm.Name) -Destination ($vm.path | Get-VmLocation($dc)) 


    Have fun!

    Arnim van Lieshout



    If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".

  • 6.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Mar 19, 2010 06:56 PM

    This is EXACTLY what I am looking for, I've tried the export and create folder function it worked great I've not used the putting the vm's back in place yet but I'll be testing it this weekend

  • 7.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Mar 31, 2010 02:59 PM

    Apologies in advance.

    Is there a way I can modify the folder and VM folder scripts to work on single Datacenters at a time. My requirement has changed and some folks would rather move one DC at a time vs. having the script just move all of the VC (we are also breaking off one of the DC's into their own VC).

  • 8.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Mar 31, 2010 04:51 PM

    If you change Arnim's Export-Folders function you can export only one datacenter. You have to change:

    Get-Datacenter -Server $src 


    Get-Datacenter -Name YourDatacenter -Server $src 

    If you want to use Arnim's Export-VmLocations function you have to change:

    foreach ($vm in Get-VM -Server $src) {


    foreach ($vm in (Get-Datacenter -Name YourDatacenter | Get-VM -Server $src)) {


    Message was edited by: RvdNieuwendijk

  • 9.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Sep 13, 2010 07:27 AM

    If you get an error while importing, check if you in the folders parent, is a sub folder with the same name as the one you are creating.

    To get around the error, change the if statement in the filter (add -NoRecursion)


    if (-not($folder = Get-Folder $ -Location $parent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) {$folder = New-Folder $ -Location $parent}


    if (-not($folder = Get-Folder $ -Location $parent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -NoRecursion)) {$folder = New-Folder $ -Location $parent}

    If you found this or any other answer useful please consider the use of the Helpful or correct buttons to award points.


    A. Mikkelsen

  • 10.  RE: Recursive New-Folder

    Posted Sep 07, 2010 09:07 AM

    Thanks for the scripts, they work like a charm. Also on vSphere 4.1.

    If you need to restore the folders and VM's to a new datacenter then change the following lines.


    $FolderStructure.GetEnumerator() | %{$dc = get-datacenter $ -server $dst; $_.value | New-FolderStructure($dc)}


    $FolderStructure.GetEnumerator() | %{$dc = get-datacenter -Name "New_DataCenter" -server $dst; $_.value | New-FolderStructure($dc)}


    $dc = Get-Datacenter -Name $vm.datacenter -Server $dst


    $dc = Get-Datacenter -Name "New_DataCenter" -Server $dst

    If you found this or any other answer useful please consider the use of the Helpful or correct buttons to award points.


    A. Mikkelsen