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  • 1.  record configuration changes

    Posted Jun 12, 2012 01:07 PM

    Hello together,

    Is there a VMware or third party product on the market where we can track the changes in vCenter.

    In fact we would like to know if a vCenter Administrator change the memory on VM A from 2GB to 4GB or to some other

    changes on the VM. We need to know the value before and after.

    best regards, Sven

  • 2.  RE: record configuration changes

    Posted Jun 12, 2012 01:12 PM

    anything that happens is already logged in vCenter.  You can check the vCenter logs (vpxd) or look at the Tasks & Events Tab.  Beyond that you can also redirect alerts via SNMP.

  • 3.  RE: record configuration changes

    Posted Jun 12, 2012 01:24 PM


    In vCenter we see only

    Reconfigured virtual machine
    12.06.2012 15:17:27
    Reconfigure virtual machine

    If I search the vpxd log for the VMname I can't find anything.

    We need more detailed information, like...

    %Date%, %Username%,%VMname%, Change Memory allocation from 2GB to 4GB.

    Or may you can help me to found these information in vcenter.

    best regards, Sven