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  • 1.  Recent Task wont go away, how can I remove it?

    Posted Aug 15, 2008 04:29 PM

    Hi All,

    My first post to the community, hopefully I'm in the right place... I'm a new ESX 3.5.0 (110268) user, with 4 hosts.

    Anyway, to my question...

    I have an "Import Machine" task in my Recent Tasks pane in VI Client that just won't go away, status of "The task was canceled by a user". Other tasks seems to come and go as expected.

    How can I remove this "stuck" task? There doesn't seem to be a remove/delete option.

    Many thanks,


  • 2.  RE: Recent Task wont go away, how can I remove it?

    Posted Aug 15, 2008 05:06 PM

    Restart the Virtual Center service and see if this helps.

    If not use SSH to connect to the related host. The command below will restart your managment service and possibly solve sticky stuff on a host basis. I use this to solve most of the sticky stuff.

    service vmware-mgmt restart

  • 3.  RE: Recent Task wont go away, how can I remove it?

    Posted Aug 15, 2008 05:12 PM


    Many thanks for the reply. Would that have the same affect as rebooting the host completely? I assume it will. If so, then I'm afraid it hasn't helped.

    The problem existed while I was running the dodgy August 12th buggy version of 3.5u2, and since then i've upgraded it to the latest version via CD, so it has been totally rebooted since then.

    Any other ideas? :smileyhappy:

    Many thanks,


  • 4.  RE: Recent Task wont go away, how can I remove it?
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 15, 2008 05:27 PM

    Typically restarting the Virtual Infrastructure Client you are using and at worst, the Virtual Center server itself will flush out the "stuck" tasks.

    If you found this or other information useful, please consider awarding points for "Correct" or "Helpful".

  • 5.  RE: Recent Task wont go away, how can I remove it?

    Posted Aug 15, 2008 05:36 PM

    Can you see what process are running on ESX service console by using ps -ef | grep "anythingspecifichere" and use kill -9 PID command to kill it if you know something is running. I would use ps -ef | grep "machinename.vmx" to see anything running with that specific virtual machine being imported.

    Usually restarting VC server services will clear all tasks but sometimes has to clear it from kill -9 PID command.

    If you found this information useful, please consider awarding points for "Correct" or "Helpful". Thanks!!!


    Stefan Nguyen

    iGeek Systems Inc.

    VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Consultant

  • 6.  RE: Recent Task wont go away, how can I remove it?

    Posted Aug 15, 2008 05:57 PM

    Thanks guys, all sorted.

    I had restarted the host, but for some reason didn't think to restart the Virtual Centre server itself, doh. I'd just vMotioned it to another host, so it never got rebooted. :smileyhappy:



  • 7.  RE: Recent Task wont go away, how can I remove it?

    Posted Aug 15, 2008 10:09 PM

    As I said restart the Virtual Center service (or server) :smileywink:

    Glad you got it fixed. Sticky bits are a common occurance in VMWare