hmmm no, sorry...
PS D:\VCenter-Skripte\Host-Operations> ./Get-VNVMHostLogicalVolumeInfo.ps1
PS D:\VCenter-Skripte\Host-Operations> ./Get-VNVMHostLogicalVolumeInfo.ps1 -VMHostName e998spwesx4001n.e998.intern
no Output... here´s the content of the ps1-File
<# .Description
Get logical volume info for HP VMHosts from StorageStatusInfo of their managed objects. Depends on CIM provider being installed and in good health (responsive and whatnot), presumably
Author: -- Aug 2012
function Get-VNVMHostLogicalVolumeInfo {
## name of VMHost to check; if none, queries all hosts
) ## end param
## make the Get-View expression to invoke
$strGetViewExpr = 'Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name,Runtime.HealthSystemRuntime.HardwareStatusInfo.StorageStatusInfo'
if ($VMHostName_str) {$strGetViewExpr += " -Filter @{'Name' = '$VMHostName_str'}"}
Invoke-Expression $strGetViewExpr | Select name,
e={($_.Runtime.HealthSystemRuntime.HardwareStatusInfo.StorageStatusInfo | `
?{$_.Name -like "Logical*"} | %{$_.Name}) -join ", "}}
} ## end function