hi nedko - here is some more information - i hope it makes sense ;-)
the scenarios are as follows ...
if i am connected to my paris vcentre and do the following ..
Get-Stat -Entity vmxxx.xx.xx.xx -Stat $metrics -Start $start.tolocaltime()
I get a statistical entry every 20 seconds (therefore realtime stat reporting starting from one hour ago)
If i am connected to my London vcentre and do the same i get a satistic for every 30 minutes from 12.30am 3april2011 to 12am 4th april2011 (- this is correct as i am trying to extract the stats from midnight-midnight the previous day
So going by the fact i get a statistic for every 20 seconds when connected to my paris vcentre i can only assume the dates are getting mixed up as i would expect to see those stats if extracting stats from within the last 24 hours, which is not what i want (as mentioned previously it is the stats for the previous day i am interested in)
If i add -Finish to the line (so $stats = Get-Stat -Entity $esximpl -Stat $metrics -Start $start.tolocaltime() -Finish $finish.ToLocalTime())
for london vcentre i get stats for every 30 minutes as above (which is correct), if i am connected to my paris vcentre i get no statistics returned at all (obviously not correct ;-))
So to summarise - same script run against 2 vcentres - when connecting to a paris vcentre gives me stats every 20seconds for the previous hour (so assuming realtime), when connected to london vcentre gives me stats every 30 minutes from midnight to midnight the previous day which is what i want
i have attached the script to maybe clarify a bit further