That's not the case for a second site though (that will be federated with another site), the cross-region vRS products are all managed via vRSLCM in the primary site, it's just vRLI (on a local site AVN) that would be in vRSLCM. It basically comes down to SDDC Manager not being multi-site aware so assumes you're always just doing a standard vRSLCM
In the end for our deployment, on the advice of VMware, we didn't deploy a vRSLCM in the second site (apparently they're going to update their design guidance to reflect this), for the the second site you just create a new environment in the primary site's vRSLCM and install vRLI from there.
(this updated advice from VMware was off the back of me querying how I allow for AD authentication to the second site vRSLCM as unless you add the second site standalone/local WOA/vIDM into it there's no way of doing it and the design guidance only covers adding the cross-region WOA/vIDM into vRSLCM but that's already been added into the primary site's vRSLCM)