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  • 1.  Pulling out information from SQL database

    Posted Jun 24, 2009 04:30 PM

    Is there a way to walk through the database and get all of the objects and their configurations that are seen by the vSphere client? I am working on automating some of the configuration/setup and need to find a way of storing as much about the configurations as possible so that I can use this information to restore the configs after upgrade or for a new install. If someone knows anything about accessing this info from the vCenter Servers database, your input is greatly appreciated.

  • 2.  RE: Pulling out information from SQL database

    Posted Jun 24, 2009 04:36 PM

  • 3.  RE: Pulling out information from SQL database

    Posted Jun 26, 2009 04:27 PM

    Thanks for the info on the database views. This document looked like it had a lot of good info about the database views but didnt tell how to use/view/create them. Is there a document that specifies how to create/use database views?

  • 4.  RE: Pulling out information from SQL database

    Posted Jul 27, 2010 02:56 PM


    Is it possible to "export" some data from the SQL database? For example, I'd like to have an Excel file which shows in which ESXi Host a Virtual Machine is. Let me make ir clearer: I want to have all the info of every virtual machine in a table. Does anyone has an idea?