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  • 1.  Proxy configuration UMDS for VCSA 7

    Posted Oct 04, 2023 10:31 AM


    I'm working in a closed environment where a VCSA 7 cannot access the internet, not even using a proxy.
    For this reason I did deploy UMDS on Ubuntu 20.04.

    However, even this system has to use a proxy to access the web. Unfortunately, this proxy only works with authentication. Is there any way to configure UMDS to use proxy authentication?

    I was able to configure the right proxy, however the download fails with "authentication required".

    Thanks everyone.

  • 2.  RE: Proxy configuration UMDS for VCSA 7
    Best Answer

    Posted Oct 05, 2023 09:34 AM

    I actually found the solution bei randomly checking files in umds-directory.

    You can add proxy user and password in downloadConfig.xml, which is stored in /usr/local/vmware-umds/bin in default installation.
    Just be carefull to use the tags correctly.

    Would be great to be able to set user and password within proxy context using vmware-umds proxy switch.