I am designing a vSphere 5 environment and have a question regarding what to do about protecting the vCenter VM. The vCenter will be a VM in linked mode with another one on a remote site.
Due to cost reasons we will not be using Heartbeat to protect the VC so I have another option I have thought of and would appreciate your opinion:
I intend to create a clone of the VC VM (at each site) and leave powered off until such time as the live VC fails. I understand that the ADAM database will not be kept up to date on the clone so that will require some support to keep up-to-date (but things like licenses & roles do not change too much).
The other method could be to use MSCS to cluster the VC service, this again won't cater for the ADAM database but I assume the remote linked VC will replicate the updates if needed should the cluster fail to the other node?
Which is the best option here?