Backup & Recovery

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  • 1.  Pre-freeze script time outs

    Posted Mar 04, 2013 12:56 PM

    I'm configuring an environment which uses Veeam for the backups.

    In order to make the snapshots used by the backup tool application consistent we implemented pre-freeze scipts.

    We notice however that these have a 15 minute hard-limit in their execution time. Stopping some application servers may take quite some more time to achieve.

    Is there a way to alter this time-out setting?

  • 2.  RE: Pre-freeze script time outs

    Posted Mar 05, 2013 10:40 AM

    in reply to a vanished question ??

    The error I get is :

    An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine. See the virtual machine's event log for details.

    The error stack says: Timed out while quiescing the virtual machine.

    This also happens if I manually take snapshot where quiescing is enabled.

    Essentially the script does launch the script but after 15 minutes it hits a time out even while the script itself does not fail.

  • 3.  RE: Pre-freeze script time outs

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Nov 18, 2014 02:05 AM

    There could be two levels of timeout at play depending on whether task is being done via VC or not:

    1. VC timeout, KB 1017253

    2. VMware Tools timeout, defaults to 15 mins

    In order to let the operation run longer than 15 mins, you will need to increase both timeouts. You can configure VMware Tools timeout inside the guest using tools.conf (refer KB 1007873 for tools.conf). Here is example setting for 20 mins (its measured in seconds):



    Ensure to set a smaller timeout value in tools.conf in guest than the VC timeout. Otherwise, VC could give up the operation before VMware Tools completes it.

  • 4.  RE: Pre-freeze script time outs

    Posted Apr 29, 2021 02:22 PM

    I'm actually hitting the same problem trying to backup a photon OS with pre and post scripts.

    Since photon uses open-vm-tools: does the vmbackup timeout value also exist in conf ?

    I inserted it but scripts still time out after 15mins.