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  • 1.  Powrcli to change vmkernel interface name

    Posted Jun 19, 2022 05:41 PM

    Hi All,

    hope you all doing good.

    when we deleted and recreated a vmkernel nic the name automatically changed to the next in the series. It was vmk4 and when recreated it changed to vmk5. Is there a powercli or commandline option to change the name back to vmk4?

  • 2.  RE: Powrcli to change vmkernel interface name

    Posted Jun 19, 2022 06:49 PM

    No rename is possible afaik, but you can remove the incorrect one and recreate it with the desired name.
    Something like this for example

    $wrongVMK = 'vmkX'
    $correctVMK = 'vmkY'
    $esxName = 'MyEsx'
    $esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esxName -V2
    $oldVMK = $ | where{$_.Name -eq $wrongVMK}
    $oldVMKIP = ${interfacename=$oldVMK.Name})
    $oldVMKMgmt = ${interfacename = $oldVMK.Name})
    $arg = $
    $arg.interfacename = $correctVMK
    if($oldVMK.Portgroup -eq 'N/A'){
      $arg.dvsname = $oldVMK.VDSName
      $arg.dvportid = $oldVMK.VDSPort
      $arg.portgroupname = $oldVMK.portgroupname
    $arg.mtu = $oldVMK.mtu
    $arg.macaddress = $oldVMK.macaddress
    $arg.netstack = $oldVMK.NetstackInstance
    $arg.numrxqueue = $oldVMK.RXDispQueueSize
    $argIP = $
    $argIP.interfacename = $correctVMK
    $argIP.netmask = $oldVMKIP.IPv4Netmask
    $argIP.gateway = $oldVMKIP.Gateway
    $argIP.type = $oldVMKIP.AddressType.ToLower()
    $argIP.peerdns = $oldVMKIP.DHCPDNS
    $argIP.ipv4 = $oldVMKIP.IPv4Address
    $argMgmt = $
    $argMgmt.interfacename = $correctVMK
    $argMgmt.tagname = $oldVMKMgmt.Tags
    # Remove incorrect VMKernel interface
    ${interfacename = $oldVMK.Name})
    # Create new VMkernel interface with correct name
    # Set IPv4 config for VMK (if using IPv6 this will need change)
    # Set correct service for VMK