To save the result to a CSV file, you can use the Export-Csv cmdlet.
$report = Get-Datacenter | % {
foreach($esx in Get-VMhost -Location $datacenter){
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esx
$nic = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $esx | Select -First 1 | select -ExpandProperty Name
$hba =Get-VMHostHBA -VMHost $esx -Type FibreChannel | where {$_.Status -eq "online"} | Select -First 1 |select -ExpandProperty Name
Get-VMHostHBA -VMHost $esx -Type FibreChannel | where {$_.Status -eq "online"} |
Select @{N="Datacenter";E={$datacenter.Name}},
@{N="HostName";E={$($_.VMHost | Get-VMHostNetwork).HostName}},
@{Name="SerialNumber";Expression={$esx.ExtensionData.Hardware.SystemInfo.OtherIdentifyingInfo |Where-Object {$_.IdentifierType.Key -eq "Servicetag"} |Select-Object -ExpandProperty IdentifierValue}},
if($esx.ExtensionData.Parent.Type -ne "ClusterComputeResource"){"Stand alone host"}
Get-view -Id $esx.ExtensionData.Parent | Select -ExpandProperty Name
@{N="WWPN";E={((("{0:X}"-f $_.NodeWorldWideName).ToLower()) -replace "(\w{2})",'$1:').TrimEnd(':')}},
@{N="WWN";E={((("{0:X}"-f $_.PortWorldWideName).ToLower()) -replace "(\w{2})",'$1:').TrimEnd(':')}},
# @{N="Fnicvendor";E={$ | ? {$_.Name -match ".*$($hba.hbadriver).*"} | Select -First 1 -Expand Vendor}},
@{N="Fnicvendor";E={$esxcli.hardware.pci.list() | where {$hba -contains $_.VMKernelName} |Select -ExpandProperty VendorName }},
# @{N="Enicvendor";E={$ | ? {$_.Name -match ".net.*"} | Select -First 1 -Expand Vendor}}
@{N="Enicvendor";E={$esxcli.hardware.pci.list() | where {$nic -contains $_.VMKernelName} |Select -ExpandProperty VendorName }}
#@{N="Enicvendor";E={$ | where {$ -eq $_.vmnic1} | select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Description }}
$report | Export-Csv report.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
Last year QLogic acquired some of the Broadcom ethernet assets.
I suspect you might be seeing the driver provided vendor and the card manufacturer.