I've scripted a bunch of stuff for my 5.0 to 5.5 migrations, so I probably don't have the exact thing you're looking for, but I should have something you can steal from. I will say that the poster above is correct, all this info was borrowed/stolen from LucD. For my environment the best way to migrate is to move a host at a time, so what I do is run the first script which pulls in all VM info on a particular host:
Function Get-VMFolderPath {
Get-VM $VMname | Get-View | %{
$row = "" | select Name, ResourcePool, Path
$row.Name = $_.Name
$row.ResourcePool = (Get-View $_.ResourcePool[0]).Name
$current = Get-View $_.Parent
#$path = $_.Name
$path = $null
do {
$parent = $current
if($parent.Name -ne "vm"){$path = $parent.Name + "/" + $path}
$current = Get-View $current.Parent
while ($current.Parent -ne $null)
$row.Path = $path
$report += $row
$SourceHost = Read-Host "Enter the fqdn name of the 5.0 source VM Host"
Write-Host "Gathering a list of VMs from $SourceHost..." -ForegroundColor "Green"
$VMList = @()
$VMs = Get-VMHost $SourceHost | Get-VM
ForEach ($VM in $VMs) {
$obj = "" | Select Name, Folder
$obj.Name = $VM.Name
$OutputPath = Get-VMFolderPath $VM.Name
$obj.Folder = $OutputPath.Substring(0,$OutputPath.Length-1)
$VMList += $obj
$VMList | Sort Name | Export-Csv .\$SourceHost-VMList.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
In my script I'm also pulling resource pool and VLAN (port group) of network adapter 1 on the VM, but I took it out to simplify things. Then I add the 5.0 host to the 5.5 vCenter live. In my scripts I'm doing some things to manipulate the VMs between hosts and standard/distributed switches, but if you're only worried about the folders, this should work once the host is in 5.5:
#Adds in VDS PowerCLI snap in
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Vds
function Get-FolderByPath {
.SYNOPSIS Retrieve folders by giving a path
.DESCRIPTION The function will retrieve a folder by it's
path. The path can contain any type of leave (folder or
.NOTES Author: Luc Dekens
The path to the folder.
This is a required parameter.
.PARAMETER Separator
The character that is used to separate the leaves in the
path. The default is '/'
PS> Get-FolderByPath -Path "Folder1/Datacenter/Folder2"
PS> Get-FolderByPath -Path "Folder1>Folder2" -Separator '>'
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[char]${Separator} = '/'
if((Get-PowerCLIConfiguration).DefaultVIServerMode -eq "Multiple"){
$vcs = $defaultVIServers
$vcs = $defaultVIServers[0]
foreach($vc in $vcs){
foreach($strPath in $Path){
$root = Get-Folder -Name Datacenters -Server $vc
$strPath.Split($Separator) | %{
$root = Get-Inventory -Name $_ -Location $root -Server $vc -NoRecursion
if((Get-Inventory -Location $root -NoRecursion | Select -ExpandProperty Name) -contains "vm"){
$root = Get-Inventory -Name "vm" -Location $root -Server $vc -NoRecursion
$root | where {$_ -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.FolderImpl]}|%{
Get-Folder -Name $_.Name -Location $root.Parent -Server $vc
$SourceHost = Read-Host "Enter the fqdn name of the 5.0 source VM Host"
$VMs = import-csv ".\$SourceHost-VMList.csv"
ForEach ($VM in $VMs) {
Get-VM $VM.Name | Move-VM -Destination (Get-FolderByPath -Path $VM.Folder) | Out-Null
Write-Host "$($VM.Name) moved to Folder $($VM.Folder)." -ForegroundColor "Green"
If you want a script to export/import folder structures, try this for exporting from 5.0:
$datacenter = "Datacenter" #being lazy here and not prompting and auto connecting.
filter Get-FolderPath {
$_ | Get-View | % {
$row = "" | select Name, Path
$row.Name = $_.Name
$current = Get-View $_.Parent
$path = $_.Name
do {
$parent = $current
if($parent.Name -ne "vm"){$path = $parent.Name + "\" + $path}
$current = Get-View $current.Parent
} while ($current.Parent -ne $null)
$row.Path = $path
#Export all folders
$report = @()
$report = get-datacenter $datacenter | Get-folder vm | get-folder | Get-Folderpath
#Replace the top level with vm
foreach ($line in $report) {
$line.Path = ($line.Path).Replace($datacenter + "\","vm\")
$report | Sort Path | Export-Csv ".\$($datacenter)-Folders-with-FolderPath.csv" -NoTypeInformation
And this to import into 5.5:
#Import Folders
$vmfolder = Import-Csv ".\$($Datacenter)-Folders-with-FolderPath.csv" | Sort-Object -Property Path
foreach($folder in $VMfolder){
$key = @()
$key = ($folder.Path -split "\\")[-2]
if ($key -eq "vm") {
get-datacenter $datacenter | get-folder vm | New-Folder -Name $folder.Name
else {
get-datacenter $datacenter | get-folder vm | get-folder $key | New-Folder -Name $folder.Name
Hope this helps!