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  • 1.  PowerCli reports wrong CoresPerSocket

    Posted Mar 31, 2023 09:31 AM


    I have a VM with 1 socket and 1 core.



    However PowerCli reports 1 NumCpu and 2 Cores per socket.






    PS> Get-VM -Name MyComputer | Select-Object -Property NumCpu,CoresPerSocket
    NumCpu CoresPerSocket
    ------ --------------
         1              2






    Any idea about the origin of the wrong PowerShell output ?

    PowerCli version is: 13.0.0


    There are in fact more VMs with inconsistent CPU information.
    In the output below, the third column is supposed to be an integer.

    But sometimes the number of Socket Per Cpu exceeds the total number of Cores (NumCpu).

    However, when I look at the console, numbers are different.
    For example the VM with a NumCpu of 2 and 4 CoresPerSocket displays 1 CorePerSoket and 2 sockets in the console.



    PS> Get-VM |Select-Object -Property NumCpu,CoresPerSocket,@{Label = 'Socket'; Expression = {$_.NumCpu/$_.CoresPerSocket}}
    NumCpu CoresPerSocket Socket
    ------ -------------- ------
        12             12      1
         1              1      1
         8              2      4
         1              2   0,50
         4              2      2
        16              2      8
         2              2      1
         2              2      1
         1              2   0,50
         1              1      1
         1              1      1
         4              4      1
         2              2      1
         2              4   0,50
        16              2      8
         2              2      1
         2              1      2
         1              2   0,50
         1              1      1
         4              4      1




  • 2.  RE: PowerCli reports wrong CoresPerSocket

    Posted May 22, 2023 12:59 PM

    What is the powerstate of the VMS? And if you are on vSPhere 8.*, what is autoCoresPerSocket set to?



  • 3.  RE: PowerCli reports wrong CoresPerSocket

    Posted May 23, 2023 09:02 AM

    All those VMs are Powered On.

    Unfortunately, hosts are still in v6.7.

  • 4.  RE: PowerCli reports wrong CoresPerSocket
    Best Answer

    Posted May 23, 2023 09:32 AM

    In fact when you are having 1 vCPU and there are 2 cores per socket, then you are using half a socket.

    Also, the vCPU and the cores/socket you define on a VM are virtual.
    The number of cores per pCPU on an ESXi node has nothing to do with that virtual definition on the VM, besides the limit on the number of vCPU and virtual cores/socket you can define.

    Not sure what the issue is.

  • 5.  RE: PowerCli reports wrong CoresPerSocket

    Posted May 24, 2023 07:02 AM

    Okay! In fact I viewed the CoresPerSocket value as a max value (max number of cores per socket).
    That's why I expected the Socket value to be an integer, whether the socket is full or not.
    Because in the real world you are not obliged to fill all your sockets on a motherboard...

    But your answer make sense and explains the current result.
    Thanks for your help Luc

    PS: I also just realized that the Socket value was completely built by myself in the command line...