On the solution path using ms windows scheduler, you could use the ms windows schtasks command to execute a temporary ps script.
Powershell and schtasks as well, both have parameters for "interactive" in the meaning of what do show up in case the loggedon username matches with the run as user option set.
Be aware, a managed solution path with windows scheduler dependency is rather dificult.
$ScriptFile = "Yourfullpathandrandomfilename.ps1"
$lines = ''
$lines += '$CodeBlock=@'+"'`r`n"
$lines += "insert enc64 content here"+"`r`n"
$lines += "'" + '@'+"`r`n"
set-content -path $ScriptFile -value $lines -encoding ASCII
$TaskName="Your random task name"
$Argument = "\"""+$PowershellFilePath +"\"" -WindowStyle Normal -NoLogo -NoProfile -Executionpolicy unrestricted -command \"""+$ScriptFile+"\"""
echo ${hzpassword} | schtasks.exe /create /f /tn "$Taskname" /tr $Argument /SC ONCE /SD "12/17/2019" /ST $begintime /RU ${hzuser} /RL HIGHEST
schtasks /Run /TN "$Taskname" /I