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PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

  • 1.  PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 03, 2009 03:36 PM


    I am new to vSphere PowerCLI (just over a month of dabbling), and I'm building up a script that we can use to perform various operations.

    My current hurdle is how to find out what LUN a datastore is on. The vSphere Client shows this data with apparent ease.

    I can obviously get info for a datastore:

    $objDataStore = get-datastore -name "PLOEVA01_VMFS_001"

    $objDataStore | Format-List

    FreeSpaceMB : 467655

    CapacityMB : 511744

    Accessible : True

    Type : VMFS

    Id : Datastore-datastore-113

    Name : PLOEVA01_VMFS_001

    ...and I can then get a .NET view, and delve a bit deeper:

    $objDataStoreView = Get-View -id $


    Info : VMware.Vim.VmfsDatastoreInfo

    Summary : VMware.Vim.DatastoreSummary

    Host : {VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference, VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference}

    Vm : {VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference, VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference, VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectRe

    ference, VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference}

    Browser : VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference

    Capability : VMware.Vim.DatastoreCapability

    Parent : VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference

    CustomValue : {}

    OverallStatus : green

    ConfigStatus : gray

    ConfigIssue : {}

    EffectiveRole : {-1, 5}

    Permission : {}

    Name : PLOEVA01_VMFS_001

    DisabledMethod : {}

    RecentTask : {}

    DeclaredAlarmState : {alarm-9.datastore-113}

    TriggeredAlarmState : {}

    AlarmActionsEnabled : True

    Tag : {}

    Value : {}

    AvailableField : {}

    MoRef : VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference

    Client : VMware.Vim.VimClient

    ...the Info and Summary properties give some additional info:


    Vmfs : VMware.Vim.HostVmfsVolume

    Name : PLOEVA01_VMFS_001

    Url : sanfs://vmfs_uuid:4a6daf9a-fde9d1f2-ee8b-001b784495e2/

    FreeSpace : 490371809280

    MaxFileSize : 274877906944

    Timestamp : 03/11/2009 14:18:46

    DynamicType :

    DynamicProperty :


    Datastore : VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference

    Name : PLOEVA01_VMFS_001

    Url : sanfs://vmfs_uuid:4a6daf9a-fde9d1f2-ee8b-001b784495e2/

    Capacity : 536602476544

    FreeSpace : 490371809280

    Uncommitted : 8694775296

    Accessible : True

    MultipleHostAccess : True

    Type : VMFS

    DynamicType :

    DynamicProperty :

    ...but I just cannot find a correlation between this and a LUN. In desperation, I knocked up a routine (below) which enumerates the fibre HBAs in a given host, enumerates the visible LUNs, then the paths, picks the active paths and reports any paths that lead to a fibre disk. The last step would be to list the datastores on this disk. But how?

    Any thoughts... anyone?

    Thank you

    Simon Catlin



    <See EXAMPLE_CODE.TXT attachment>


    <See EXAMPLE_OUTPUT.txt attachment>

  • 2.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 03, 2009 03:44 PM

    Can't seem to stop this editor mangling my code example. If you'd like a copy of the code to see what I'm trying to do, let me know.


  • 3.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 03, 2009 10:30 PM

    Not sure if this is what you're asking for, but here's my guess.

    $t = get-vmhost -datastore datastorename | Select-Object -Last 1 -Property Name
    get-scsilun -vmhost $ | format-table -autosize

    CanonicalName ConsoleDeviceName LunType CapacityMB MultipathP







    vmhba1:0:13 /vmfs/devices/disks/vml.02000d00006006016041561a00b82d742836f0dc11524149442035 disk 1099247 MostRec...

    vmhba1:0:4 /vmfs/devices/disks/vml.02000400006006016041561a00fc1f387733f0dc11524149442035 disk 1099247 MostRec...

    vmhba1:0:8 /vmfs/devices/disks/vml.02000800006006016041561a007c1b9e9533f0dc11524149442035 disk 1099247 MostRec...

    vmhba1:0:11 /vmfs/devices/disks/vml.02000b00006006016041561a00f2da0ef537f0dc11524149442035 disk 824435 MostRec...

  • 4.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 09, 2009 11:54 AM

    Thanks for that.

    It's almost what I need.

    This gives me hosts attached to a datastore, and then the SCSI LUNs for

    each host. The missing bit for me is tying the LUNs with the original


    Essentially, I'm trying to understand which datastores are on a LUN, so

    that we can perform SAN operations (snapshots, mirroring, etc), and

    understand which datastores we are affecting.

    I appreciate that a LUN can contain more than one datastore, and a

    datastore can have extents on multiple LUNs.

    I'm now exploring the depths of paths and extents...



  • 5.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 10, 2009 09:56 AM

    I now have this working. Essentially I needed to examine the paths for each HBA, and then look for datastore extents.

    I'll now close this one off.

  • 6.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 10, 2009 02:07 PM

    Catman, would you post the solution please? Thanks.

  • 7.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 10, 2009 04:15 PM

    Sure. Code and example output attached.


  • 8.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Feb 07, 2011 03:54 PM


    when I try your script, it does nothing.

    is there a switch I'm missing?

    .\script.ps1 /HOST:server.domain.local


  • 9.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Feb 07, 2011 07:04 PM

    Try calling the script like this

    .\script.ps1 server.domain.local


    .\script.ps1 -VIHost server.domain.local

  • 10.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 11, 2011 04:05 PM

    Hey Guys-- I'm looking for something limilar but cant get it down.

    I'd like to get a list of datastore names, their size, & the CanonicalName of ALL datastores in a given Datacenter and output that to a csv.

    Is this possible?


  • 11.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Nov 30, 2011 10:02 PM

    @ OsburnM:

    This may be close to what you are looking for   (borrowed heavily from Luc's examples :-)  ) :

    If ((Get-PSSnapin "VMware.VimAutomation.Core" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    Add-PSSnapin "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"
    # Define email recipient array
    $rcpt = @()
    $rcpt += ""
    $subject = "Virtual Environment San Device Report"
    Connect-VIServer <Your VC Server>
    $report = @()
    $datacenter = "Your DC Name"
    #$datacenter = Get-Datacenter
    foreach ($cluster in ($datacenter |Get-Cluster)) {
    $vmhost = $cluster |Get-VMHost | sort name | select -First 1
    $dsTab = @{}
    foreach ($ds in (Get-Datastore -VMHost $vmhost | where {($_.Type -eq "vmfs") `
    -and ($ -notlike "*local*") `
    -and ($_.CapacityMB -ge "100000")})){
        $ds.Extensiondata.Info.Vmfs.Extent  | %{
    $dsTab[$_.DiskName] = $ds.Name
    Get-ScsiLun -VmHost $vmhost -LunType "disk" | `
    where {($_.CapacityMB -ge "100000")} `
    | %{
        $row = "" | Select Host, ConsoleDeviceName, RunTimeName, CapacityMB, Vendor, Model, Datastore
        $ = $
        $row.ConsoleDeviceName = $_.ConsoleDeviceName
    $row.CapacityMB = $_.CapacityMB
    $row.RunTimeName = $_.RunTimeName
        $row.vendor = $_.Vendor
        $row.model = $_.Model
        $row.Datastore = &{
            if ($dsTab.ContainsKey($_.CanonicalName)){
    $report += $row
    Disconnect-VIServer * -Confirm:$false
    $report | Sort-Object -Property Frame |Export-Csv c:\Reports\LUN_Scan_results.csv -NoTypeInformation
    foreach ($person in $rcpt){
    Send-MailMessage -to $person -from -sub $subject -smtpserver `
    -attachments "c:\Reports\LUN_Scan_results.csv"

  • 12.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Jan 06, 2012 05:05 PM

    this is great for sorting out but;

    can i get only the lun which has "vmhba1:0:4"  for example?  i want to find a particular lun with the runtimename's lun ID section, which is the lun ID given by the storage mapping.


  • 13.  RE: PowerCLI - Datastores and LUNs.... Argh!!!

    Posted Jan 21, 2012 08:48 AM

    Luc has a great function here, and does a much better job of explaining the nuances:

