$doathing = $false # <Set this to $true to do a thing! set to $false to see what it would do!
$vmGroups = @{'Group01'='dc0'
$i = 1
#decipher what things we are doing things to!
$groupNumber = "{0:D2}" -f [int]$i
$groupName = "Group" + $groupNumber
$groupVms = Get-VM | where {$_.Name -match $vmGroups.$groupName -and $_.powerstate -eq 'PoweredOff'}
#start the Vms!
foreach ($Vm in $groupVms)
Write-Host "Starting $($Vm.Name)"
if ($doathing -eq $true){$Vm | Start-VM}else{Write-Host "Didn't start VM $($Vm.Name) because doathing is false!"}
#wait for tools on each Vm!
foreach ($Vm in $groupVms)
Write-Host "Waiting for tools on $($Vm.Name)"
if ($doathing -eq $true){$Vm | Wait-Tools}else{Write-Host "Didn't wait for tools on VM $($Vm.Name) because doathing is false!"}
while($i -le $vmGroups.Count)