Hi , I would like to create a report in which i would like to retrieve information about VM's from a Data Center , the information on VM should contain
1. The Operating system
2. Name of VM
3. VM host
4. Ip address
5. Mac address
and if possible custom attributes
can some one help me here: i already tried this script but somehow for some machines OS info is not coming and hence report is not getting published , also i have not included custom attributes in this script
$VCServerName = "..................."
$VC = Connect-VIServer $VCServerName
$datacenter= "datacenter name"
$ExportFilePath = "D:\Export-VMInfo.csv"
$Report = @()
$VMs = Get-Datacenter $datacenter | Get-VM
ForEach ($VM in $VMs) {
$VMView = $VM | Get-View
write-host $VMView
$VMInfo = {} | Select VMName,OS,IPAddress,Host
$VMInfo.VMName = $vm.name
$VMInfo.OS = $vm.Guest.OSFullName
$VMInfo.IPAddress = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[0]
$VMInfo.Host = $vm.host.name
$Report += $VMInfo
$Report = $Report | Sort-Object VMName