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  • 1.  PLEASE help with GET-VIEVENT

    Posted Jul 27, 2016 02:26 PM

    Hi Guys , been breaking my head on this , please help .

    Why does get-ViEVENT sometimes return nothing , even when you know there should be something within the last , lets say 1000 samples ?

    I need to audit many companies for Snapshots made, getting most of info is easy , Get-VM | Get-Snaphot , and then select what you need .

    BUT who took that snapshot ? That's where I get stuck . Not sure if I need to probe the actual vCenter DB to get this .

    Tried -Start , -MaxSamples , Where statements with -like , some VMs just return nothing . Tested on my site with 5.5 , and another on 6.0 .

    Here are some of my attempts . Most only catch some "createdby" data .

    I would also except a link to a full working script , need Date created , size , and Who made the snapshot .

    #$MyVMsnaps = (Get-VM | Get-Snapshot)


    $MyVMs = (Get-VM)


    $Report = @()

    Foreach ($VM in $MyVMs){

       $MyEventsPerVM = Get-VIEvent -Entity $vm -type info -MaxSamples 1000 | Where { $_.FullFormattedMessage.contains("Create virtual machine snapshot")}

       $Report += [pscustomobject][ordered] @{

       'VirtualMachine' = $

       'SnapshotCount' = (Get-Snapshot $VM).Count

       # Insert Foreach snapshot here

       'CreatedBy' = $MyEventsPerVM.username

       'Date' = $MyEventsPerVM.CreatedTime

       'Snapshot Size in GB' = $SnapsSize = Get-Snapshot $VM | % {"$($_.SizeGB)"} # () dO this first )

    $Report | Out-GridView 

  • 2.  RE: PLEASE help with GET-VIEVENT
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 27, 2016 03:52 PM

    Would Alan's Snapreminder script help?

  • 3.  RE: PLEASE help with GET-VIEVENT

    Posted Jul 28, 2016 06:01 AM

    Thank you LucD , will give it a try .

    HOWEVER , it appears this is NOT a PowerShell challenge , but a vCenter one  . I dug a bit deeper , even got my DBA to help .

    vCenter by default retains tasks and events for 30 days only , so that's probably why my get-Vievent cannot see who took it, a year ago .

    Strangely , sometimes , it does come back with who created it , even a year ago . but looks like a the norm will be , no further back than what your VC is configured for .

    Other metrics gathered by normal cmdlets , like get-snapshot | select sizeGB can go back infinitely .

    I will still try Alans one and advise .

  • 4.  RE: PLEASE help with GET-VIEVENT

    Posted Jul 28, 2016 06:16 AM

    The default Task and Events retention period is slightly complex.

    Have a look at KB2117550