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  • 1.  ping throug vmnic interface

    Posted Aug 30, 2016 08:35 AM

    Hello guys,

    is there a way to test/ping throug a specific vmnic to test network layer and vlan configuration. Or I have to play with passive/active interfaces on a port group ?

    I know there is a way to specify vmkernel to use with vmkping command. But it is not what I want to achieve, this way do not use a specific vmnic interface.

    thanks for your help !

  • 2.  RE: ping throug vmnic interface
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 30, 2016 08:47 AM

    There is no way to send the ICMP request through a particular nic if the vSwitch has more than 1 vmnic

    you will have to play with active/passive nics.

    If you are looking to check the vLANs available on a particular nic you can use below command and check.

    its pretty helpful.

    vim-cmd hostsvc/net/query_networkhint | less

  • 3.  RE: ping throug vmnic interface

    Posted Aug 30, 2016 12:49 PM

    thank you for this command, it show usefull informations on connected switches.

    But this is not providing a way to check the network-flow/vlan communication. So i'll play with active/passive ifaces.


  • 4.  RE: ping throug vmnic interface

    Posted Aug 31, 2016 04:57 PM

    If you create a VMKernel Port on the Switch with a vnic.  You can use ping -I vmk3  -I specifies the outgoing interface to use.  So if the VMKernel Port is vmk2 that you want to test.. Specify vmk2.

    Of course you'll need to enable the SSH service and log in to the ESXI host to do this from.

  • 5.  RE: ping throug vmnic interface

    Posted Nov 20, 2023 02:32 PM

    that's for the virtual vmkernel interface.

    NOT for a specific physical adaptor.

    A vmk can have multiple physical interfaces and afaik there is no way to tell the esx which path to go...