I had to change the mouse and keyboard attached to my ESXi 4.1 VShpere Host and I have discovered that they do not work. They are different than the original ones. Is there some way of getting them to work without reinstalling?
Many Thanks for any help.
ESXi doesn't use a mouse attached to the host so I wouldn't worry about plugging one in. For the keyboard did you switch from PS2 to USB?
Thank you Dave.Mishchen… for your response. Both old Keyboard and New Keyboard are USB
Are they connected via PS/2? Do you have the chance to use USB input devices instead?
PS: If PS/2, did you replace them with the hosts powered off or at least reboot the host after the replacement?
Thank you a.p. for your response. Both old Keyboard and New Keyboard are USB
Does the host recognize the keyboard when you unplug and re-plug it ?
I rebooted the server.
I have rebooted, unplugged and replugged.
Is a generic (i.e. simple) keyboard? To answer your original question you don't need to reinstall just to swap a keyboard. Do you have the mouse disconnected now?
Actually its a Rack Mountable KVM Unit from Belkin
Is the ESXi host the active port on the KVM when you're trying to start it?
Yes it is. I have even swapped around the cables with no success.
Did you get a chance to attach the key board and mouse directly to the server, instead on KVM.