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  • 1.  Permissions Issue

    Posted May 03, 2023 09:19 PM

    I have a handful of VMs that I no longer have permissions to make changes to. Im not sure what has happened on those VMs, but for now I can only make changes if I login as the vcenter default local admin. One thought to fix this was to remove them from vcenter and then re-add them. Just wondering if anyone has come across this problem and/or how to fix it.

  • 2.  RE: Permissions Issue

    Posted May 04, 2023 05:45 AM


    Login with admin and check on the VMs, what's the effective permission on those, if any specific group is added, please check if you are part of that group and what's permission assigned to that group.

    Also if you have admin permission on VM, but read-only permission at the folder level or something, then effective permission turns out to be read-only, so investigate from that angle as well


