1. The configure "allow.user.without.permissions.login" option is part of another solution and can not help you dealing with your current issue. Its only good to bring back an weird behaviour which was changed in vCenter 6.5b
2. After a fresh installation there is only one usable account available to login into the application named vCenter trough WebClient or vSphere Client(HTML5). The accound is named "administrator@vsphere.local". Please dont mix it with your maybe existing "administrator@yourwindowsad.local" account.
3. The user root which comming from the underlaying photon OS havent got grant permission to the vCenter application on default. So you cant use it there. You can later grant permission to the root@localos if you like/needed
4. During the installation of the VCSA it creates its own directory service named "vsphere.local". Dont change that name and please dont change it to your maybe existing yourwindowsad.local domain. You can later add your existing directory service as an identity source and pick up the users you like and grand permissions to vCenter.
You mentioned that you use a IP instead of Domain? If you answer the question within the installer for the FQDN and use an ip address instead so please wipe your installation and start from scratch.
In the previous posts you can see the important screenshot about the vsphere.local Domain and the password for the one and only important user named "administrator".
The most important things to remember
1. Use a FQHN
2. Specifiy the password for adminstrator@vsphere.local
3. Specifiy the password for "root". We use the same password as for #2
4. Disable later the password runtime for both accounts and set them to unlimited!
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