You can try to check it through ping command with option l (L) in small letter for check the buffer size.
I had the same issue where my server got RTO (Packet drops), then I tried to ping the source server where I had the issue, from another server .
ping IP Address -t -l 64
when I pinged the server with buffer size 64 , packet start decrising dorpping, then again I increased the Buffer size to 512 , it granuarily start decreasing the packet drops, by default it sets 256 bytes in the NIC card property,
lastly I ping it through 1024 buffer size then I did not recieved any packet loss,
then I set the packet buffer size to 1024 from 256 bytes in the NIC Card Properties, you can set it in the below steps.
1. open Nic Card Properties,
2. Go to advanced Tab,
3, Performance Tab (every nic card have different setting)
4. then go to RX buffer size to 1024 from 256 ,
5, OK,
Please reply if its useful.