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  • 1.  P2V Local to iSCSI

    Posted Nov 10, 2011 05:17 PM

    If I wanted to P2V a server with a large amount of local storage (3 partitions with about 1.8tb) to iSCSI would it make the conversion go faster if the physical server could some how see the iSCSI storage kind of how VCB & vRanger works with as a proxy? If so, how would this be done?


  • 2.  RE: P2V Local to iSCSI

    Posted Nov 10, 2011 10:54 PM

    Coming from a perspective of the P2V, the physical server will be converted into the attached storage of the ESX host. How would connecting that server into the iscsi fabric speed up the transfer, traffic still has to go through the ESX host.

    Is that 3 partitions of 1.8 TB each or combined?

    The block size of your datastores will limit the size of the file / vmdk that can be create for the conversion.

    As far as coverting 2 TB, that is going to take a while.

    Good luck,