hahahahaha (sorry . .couldn't resist :smileywink: )
you are still able to manage your ESX hosts by simply pointing the client that you have locally installed straight at any ESX host in your environment.
This means you'll be able to quickly build an OS and install the Virtual Center on the VM.
Once you have done this, simply add the ESX hosts to your VC and you'll be up and running.
You are lucky as your environment is small - so odds are that rebuilding your config will not be too big a task, but it really is going to be a tough lesson learnt.
Just out of intrerest's sake . . you say this was a DR site . . did any of the other sites have a seperate VC? If so, add your ESX hosts to one of the other VCs until you have built the new one?
Lessons to go:
- always have a backup
- always be very careful when working with storage